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Golden Brown Gratitude

by Jay Salter | Communication Specialist - February 23, 2021


NEWBERRY — Last Friday, Newberry College President Maurice Scherrens presented each student, faculty and staff member with their own box of Girl Scout Cookies.


Like the beloved treats themselves, the event was a scrumptious mix. Part appreciation and encouragement at the close of spring semester’s first few weeks. Part well-needed support for future female leaders in the community.


And the rain held off just long enough for the cookie party to ensure there were no ‘soggy bottoms’ (for fans of The Great British Baking Show).


“We have been back on campus for about three weeks and our campus continues to show courage in dealing with the ongoing pandemic,” Scherrens said in a message to campus. “So many of you have stepped up to work harder and stepped out of your comfort zones to keep the mission of the College in full focus.


“Much like us, Girl Scout cookie sales have struggled this year, so we are supporting local Girl Scout Troop 990 and our community,” he added.


The president purchased 150 cases of cookies from Newberry County’s Troop 990, including Caramel deLites®, Thin Mints®, shortbreads, peanut butter sandwiches, Peanut Butter Patties®, and of course, Lemonades®. In all, over 1,000 boxes were whisked away to offices and dorm rooms, where they are unlikely to linger.


The event was more than just desserts, however. The midday celebration was marked with a ‘photo booth’ and appearances by Scar, the Newberry College mascot, and the Newberry College Dance Team and cheerleaders. The Office of Institutional Advancement and the sisters of Kappa Delta, for whom the Girl Scouts are the main philanthropy, helped the event pan out.


“I am thrilled that Newberry College is a champion for girls and Girl Scouting,” said Lora Tucker, CEO of Girl Scouts of South Carolina — Mountains to Midlands. “Thank you so very much for understanding that the Girl Scout Cookie Program powers our girls’ experiences that provide life changing opportunities, and you are helping them meet their goals. The purchase of Girl Scout Cookies by Newberry College will help girls in their community learn, grow, and build a better world.”

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