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Newberry College Approves Plan to Enhance Campus Housing

October 14, 2015

Future Site of Residence Hall, Construction Beginnning Spring 2016

The Newberry College Board of Trustees recently approved a new strategy to revitalize campus housing. Over the next five years, the campus will develop new residence life options through repairs and improvements to existing housing and through new construction of housing that better meets the needs and expectations of today’s students.


“Students have very different expectations for their residence life experience than students 50 years ago had, when many of our halls were constructed,” said Jane Willis, Dean for Student Affairs. “In order for Newberry College to remain competitive and to attract and keep the best students, we need to offer residential options better aligned with their needs and expectations.”

A key priority of the housing strategy is to address Brokaw Hall. Originally constructed in 1966, Brokaw Hall is used for freshman housing and is the largest hall by bed-count on campus. Brokaw Hall’s aging infrastructure will require demolition of the building or total renovation including all mechanical systems. The housing revitalization project will be approached in three phases over the next five years.



New construction of suite-style residence hall adjacent to Walker Hall on the northwest corner of campus
Expand available beds at Oakland Mill
Renovate off-campus residences surrounding campus
Renovate the currently vacant third floor of Smeltzer Hall to increase available beds

These Phase I projects will provide enough beds to take one half of Brokaw Hall offline. Phase II projects will provide more contemporary options better suited to student needs and expectations.



New construction of suite-style residence halls in the existing footprint of the campus tennis courts on the northwest corner of campus.
Take all of Brokaw Hall offline and then demolish the building. 
New construction of Brokaw Village (smaller residence hall groupings) in the original footprint of the demolished Brokaw Hall.



Expansion of Brokaw Village.

The College anticipates the new construction combined with renovation and expansion of existing housing options will provide campus housing for approximately 200 additional students by the 2019-2020 academic year.

 “Our initiatives are aimed at meeting the changing needs of our students and to help them achieve their academic and career goals,” said Newberry College president Dr. Maurice Scherrens.

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