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Newberry College Students Honored at the South Carolina Speech and Theatre Association State College

March 1, 2012

Students from the Newberry College Department of Arts and Communications competed in the South Carolina Speech and Theatre Association State College Festival Competition held Feb. 11 at Tri-County Technical College in Easley, S.C.

Among the winners from Newberry College were Amanda Williams, winning second place in Audition Monologues; Stephanie Strickland and Brittnay Kaminer, who placed first and third in Prose Interpretation; Raymond Schwindler, who won second place in Theatrical Design; and John Fowler and Stephanie Strickland, who placed second and third in Informative Speaking.

Strickland was also honored with the Triathlon Award. This award, SCSTAs highest individual honor, is presented to a student who enters three events with at least one of the events a Theatre event, one event a Performance Studies event, and one of the events a Public Speaking event. The student with the highest combined score in all three events wins the Triathlon Award.

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