Mandy L. Butler
Associate Professor of Theatre
Office: CHP: 206
Office Phone: 803.321.5608
Email: mandy.butler@newberry.edu
Department: Department of Arts & Communications
M.F.A. | Theatre Pedagogy (Acting emphasis), Virginia Commonwealth University (2011)
B.A. | Theatre (Performance emphasis), Georgia College & State University (2003)
Assistant Professor of Speech and Theatre Mandy L. Butler is an experienced improviser who specializes in applying the Sanford Meisner Technique to Longform Improvisation. She has trained, performed, and taught improv all over the United States, as well as in Istanbul and Iraqi Kurdistan. She is a frequent guest on improv stages across Atlanta and is the director of Newberry College's improv team, Lookin' Sharp.
Professor Butler resides in Newberry with her husband, Daniel Fernald, and her two beloved pets, Pajamas and Oliver.