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Academic Resources

Academic Assets

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The academic library is fundamental to all institutions of higher learning. Wessels Library provides students a study & research space with access to academic resources, including print books, scholarly journals, and a wide variety of electronic resources available 24/7 through the library’s website. Experienced librarians are available to help students with research and answer students' questions.  And if Wessels Library doesn't have a book available, our partnership with PASCAL offers access to over a million books from partner libraries across South Carolina.


Computer workstations are provided throughout the library for student use, and wireless internet access is available throughout the facility. The Learning Commons (available 24/7 with Newberry College ID) contains group worktables, and single-student desks are located in the stacks.


Wessels Library enhances the student learning experience by providing a welcoming, inclusive environment that promotes lifelong learning and fosters equity and diversity. Wessels Library is committed to the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights.


Wessels Library will provide:

  • Current, relevant print and electronic resources that support the curriculum of the College and the research interests of the faculty

  • Recreational reading that fosters intellectual growth and lifelong learning

  • Assistance in accessing, evaluating, and using provided materials

  • Access to materials for online and commuting students utilizing current technology

  • Information Literacy instruction through classroom visits, online tutorials, and one-on-one interactions

  • Access to materials at other colleges via the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) and other avenues

  • A staff that meets ACRL standards, in number and qualifications, to fulfill these obligations

Visit Wessels Library's website

Newberry College offers a program for students with dyslexia, the only one of its kind in South Carolina. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading, affecting an estimated 15% of Americans. Our program is designed to offer students diagnosed with dyslexia a helpful educational and residential environment with personalized support. Click here to learn more.

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