Your Career Path

A Newberry College education reaches beyond classroom walls, city limits, pre-conceived notions of higher learning, and definitions of success. A Newberry education is a personal challenge to every student in pursuit of knowledge who possesses the drive to live and learn with purpose. It is a new model for education – a living and learning community that transforms study into action through personal and professional interaction.
The Biology program prepares students for meaningful vocations in the sciences, from the environment, to law enforcement, to research, education and health care. The Biology major is perfect for students looking for a broad understanding of the science of life, and our three concentrations allow students to tailor their study to their career goals and areas of interest. The Biology minor allows majors in other science fields to expand their knowledge, diversify their study and open greater career possibilities.
Environmental Studies
Forensic Biology
Secondary Education
Environmental Science
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The study of Chemistry at Newberry College offers opportunities for students to learn through experiential and active learning. Graduates will have a strong background in inquiry-based science and critical thinking skills, which prove competitive in the job market and valuable to meaningful vocation.
No matter your area of interest, Newberry College offers students the opportunity to match internships with a student's needs and interests, including, opportunities with the State Law Enforcement Dvision (SLED), Savanah River Site, and travelling and networking through the College's nationally-recognized chapter of the American Chemical Society.
Forensic Chemistry
Secondary Education
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Computer science is an innovative hybrid program designed to prepare you for a dynamic, versatile career. Core education courses are offered on-campus, and major-specific courses are available online from experts in the field, providing real-world, hands-on training. This program is meeting the growing need for skilled tech professionals for work in software, programming, hardware, and a variety of roles.
Computer Science
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"3 + 2" Program with Duke University
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Student completes: · Minimum of 90 semester hours for B.S. in Biology · General education and related graduation requirements for Newberry College · Recommended courses for dual degree with Duke |
Student completes: · Remaining classes for Newberry Biology degree · 48 semester hours of graduate level studies |
Student must earn a minimum grade of 2.7/4.0 and receive a B-minus or better in order for these classes to count toward the master’s degree prerequisite. Formal application for admission also must be made to the Duke University School of the Environment. |
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The mathematics program offers students rigorous preparation to enter careers involving the application of mathematics, graduate school, or teaching secondary mathematics.. Mathematics graduates will able to:
- Apply multiple approaches and perseverance when proving theorems and problem-solving.
- Reason abstractly, quantitatively and recognize the importance and development of mathematics throughout history.
- Construct viable mathematical arguments and communicate mathematical knowledge and understanding both verbally and in writing.
- Use appropriate mathematical tools and technology for discovering and understanding mathematical ideas.
- Acquire in-depth knowledge of how mathematics can be applied in the student‘s choice of concentration or career.
Pre-Engineering Track
Newberry offers a "3+2" degree cooperative enginerring program with Clemson University, through which students earn a B.S. in Applied Mathematics from Newberry and a B.S. in Engineering from Clemson.
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Neuroscience is a growing field and is an ideal course for students who wish to enter medical school - especially with an eye towards psychiatric care. A major in Neuroscience places a strong emphasis on both biology and psychology. In addition, a major in neuroscience offers students a degree with a wide range of possiblities upon graduation and will provide science majors another opportunity to specialize within a growing area of medical science.
This major is offered through a partnership of Newberry College with the Lower Cost Models Consortium. The LCMC neuroscience curriculum was built through a collaboration with leading neuroscience educators and nueroscience offerings will be taught online by experts in the field. The neuroscience curriculum is supplemented with science and psychology courses offered on-site at Newberry College.
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Students taking any of the health and science progressional programs will have a science faculty member, in addition to their major advisor, to help guide them through the process to attain their professional degree. Students may major in any area, as long as the necessary coursework for entrance into the pre-professional track has been completed. Many students choose Biology or Chemistry. The science faculty advisors will help students develop individual plans for completion of necessary coursework, internships, experiential learning opportunities, and for applying to higher institutions.
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Alumni Experiences
- Zeus Chemical
- Newberry College Board of Trustees
- River Bluff High School
- Chocklett Environmental Services
- Presbyterian College
- IRIX Pharmaceuticals
- Southern Research Institute
- Mid-Carolina Middle School
- Lugoff-Elgin High School
- Laurens High School