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Art history professor examines significance of Joseph, father of Jesus, in new book

January 17, 2023


NEWBERRY — Dr. Philip W. Jacobs, adjunct instructor of art history at Newberry College, has published a book revisiting the significance of Joseph of Nazareth in the life of Jesus, in culture and in Christianity.


“The Other Person in the Picture: The Portrayal and Interpretation of Joseph the Carpenter” (Cascade Books, 2022) is an approachable study of how the earthly father of Jesus has been largely forgotten in depictions and discussion of the Holy Family. The book unites two of Jacobs’ passions: art and religion.


“Joseph is still marginalized in terms of his representation, with regard to both art and theological discussion,” said Jacobs, a former Baptist minister. “Catholic scholars have talked about Joseph but it's always in the role of protector guardian. Not really father. The assumption is also made that he basically entered the picture and then left as quickly as possible.”


Much of the early Christian art that depicts the Holy Family also seems to relegate Joseph to the sidelines, that is, in the pieces that include him at all. For Jacobs, examining historical Christian art is fundamental to our understanding of Christian teachings, just as it was centuries ago.


“Many early artists and most early Christians, until way beyond the Middle Ages, were illiterate, so they relied upon art to teach them,” he said. “They would have various images, paintings, carvings, sculptures, what have you, showing these stories, and these were often informed by the Infancy Gospel of James.”


The Infancy Gospel of James, written in the second century, is the earliest surviving document attesting to the veneration of Mary, covering her life from conception through the birth of Jesus. Jacobs said the non-canonical book ends up portraying Joseph as a dysfunctional father figure for Jesus.


Jacobs reminds readers that, like Mary, Joseph was chosen by God to care for His son, and as such is mentioned throughout the Gospels, particularly in Matthew and in Luke.


“Joseph is all over the place. You just have to read carefully. And often times, people look at the text, assume they know what's there, and with their presuppositions, read it, and simply don't see what's right in front of them,” he said.


When he joined the Newberry College faculty in 2022, Jacobs brought two decades of college professorship, including stints at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and Cape Fear Community College. His background also includes 20 years of ministry in prisons and cities across the United States. His other publications include “The Life and Photography of Doris Ulmann” (University Press of Kentucky, 2001), and “A Glossary of Foreign Terms for the Study of Works of Art on Paper and Books” (Saturday Press, 2006).


Jacobs holds a doctorate in religious studies from the University of Wales, a master’s in religious studies from the University of Virginia, a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Southern Illinois University. He resides in Newberry with his wife, Mimi.


For more information on “The Other Person in the Picture,” visit the publisher’s website.

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