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April 8, 2019


Newberry College assistant professor of Physical Education Joanna Tremble was one of more than 150 educators on Capitol Hill earlier this month urging lawmaker to provide full funding for physical education and health programming in in K-12 education. 


The effort, which was part of the 12th annual advocacy day by members of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America), sought to educate new members of Congress about the importance of a well-rounded education and to push for full funding for grants under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). 


“We need to ensure that the health and physical education programs covered under ESSA can be effective in helping to provide a well-rounded education for K-12 students,” Tremble said. “This starts with making sure these grants are fully funded, and we are competing with many other subject areas and programs for financial support.” 


The grants, under Title IV, Part A of the ESSA act, support professional development for teachers as well as health and physical education programs in schools. The law, enacted in December 2015, replaced parts of the No Child Left Behind Act, governing United States K-12 public education policy. 


“As a former public school teacher and a supervisor of student teachers, I cannot overstate the links that exist between health, physical education, social emotional learning and academic achievement,” Tremble said. “The success of these programs is directly tied to the proper development and success of our students.” 


SHAPE America, based in Reston, Va., is the nation’s largest membership organization of health and physical education professionals.

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