Shooting for the Moon
by Jay Salter '19, External Communications Coordinator - May 22, 2023
by Jay Salter '19, External Communications Coordinator - May 22, 2023
If you own a television, there’s a good chance you’ve seen their work. And even if you don’t, there’s still a good chance you’ve seen their work.
Entrepreneurs Keith Bogart ’93 and Banks Meador ’97 have over two decades’ experience in video production. They cover just about everything — commercials, television shows, training videos and more — for diverse clients across the United States. Their booming enterprise, West Columbia-based Zero Gravity, is a major player with a huge impact. And it all began at Newberry College.
Bogart returned to his alma mater in January 1996 to work with communications students and faculty. In addition to College broadcasts and class projects, the program also did high-level video productions for institutional partners, including the Florida-Bahamas and South Carolina synods of the ELCA. In what was essentially a working production company within an academic department, Meador — then a junior balancing majors in communications and English — stood out like no other.
“Banks clearly excelled at video production,” Bogart said. “At some point we started traveling around what feels like the lower part of the country, definitely through every city in Florida. You get to know people pretty well, so Banks and I became brothers, if you will.”
“Keith taught me a ton about video production,” said Meador. “And we said to each other, ‘Gosh, wouldn’t it be great one day to have our own video production company?’”
Three-and-a-half years and a couple detours later, in September 1999, the pair co-founded Zero Gravity from scratch. They chose the name not only because it sounds cool, but because where there is no gravity, there are no limits. But even space missions begin on the ground.
“We begged and borrowed and worked deals, and credit to Keith’s relationships, which were the entre to so much that just wasn’t accessible before,” said Meador. “He understood the value of relationships and that’s something that carries through to our success today. It just made sense to always do right by the client. If our clients aren’t happy, we’re not happy.”
The entrepreneurs steadily climbed learning curves to keep pace with technological advancements. Their class productions on VHS tapes bore little resemblance to the digital revolution taking shape under their feet. However, they adapted with the industry and with clients to bold success, aided by the fact that communication needs have become greater than ever before, especially since 2020. As the business continues to grow, so do the opportunities.
“It’s never the same. You’re always learning and going to somebody else’s line of business and having to understand it and turn it into a video,” said Bogart. “You find yourself sometimes knee-deep in a sewer or hanging out of a helicopter or driving around a racetrack. It’s so unique, so different, and it’s absolutely creative.”
The two credit Newberry College — specifically shared mentors Dr. Clem Chow, Marshall Maddy and Mic DeCinti — with helping them find their passion and acquire the skills to pursue it.
“I really do believe that the Lord’s blessed us and we’ve tried to be good stewards of that. Blessed with an awesome start with professors and people who care about our education,” said Meador. “And again, my mentor, Keith. … We’ve shared, at this point, half our lives together, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Top photo: Bogart and Meador at their West Columbia office. Right photo: Meador at work in the field.
This article originally appeared in the spring 2023 issue of Dimensions, the magazine for alumni and friends of Newberry College. Access the digital version here.