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At Newberry, we CARE

Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation Team

At Newberry, we understand that balancing life and school can be difficult. Every student matters, and we are committed to their health and well-being. The CARE team helps students navigate a wide variety of life’s challenges. The team assists students with creating a plan to confront difficulties and provides support and resources to keep them safe and successful. If you're facing challenges or know someone who is, we encourage you to submit at CARE report to connect with our friendly and compassionate team. Together we can help you get through difficult times and back on track.

Make a CARE Team Report

What should I refer?

Examples of behaviors to refer may include, but are not limited to:

  • Clear signs of distress

  • Erratic behavior

  • Paranoia

  • Threatening words or actions

  • Violent or aggressive behavior

  • Classroom disruptions

  • Excessive absenteeism

  • Lack of responsiveness

  • Lack of emotional expression

  • Relationship violence

  • Alienation / isolation from others

  • Writings that convey clear intentions to harm oneself or others

  • Suicidality, including threats, gestures, ideations, and attempts

  • Observed self-injurious behavior, such as cutting or burning

  • Extreme rudeness or insubordination toward College officials, staff, faculty, or administrators

  • Threatening postings on social media platforms

  • Overreaction to changes in policies & procedures

  • Extreme or sudden changes in behavior

When should I make a referral?

Worried about a student? Noticing changes in their behavior? Want to talk with them about what's going on but not sure how to approach them? Scared they'll get into trouble if you share your concerns?

When you become worried about a student, deciding when to intervene can be confusing. Additionally, the number of resources available to assist students can be overwhelming. The CARE Team is here to help. When in doubt, submit a CARE reportIt's always better to err on the side of caution and report behaviors you think may be of concern.

If there's imminent danger to the safety of the student or others, call 911 or Campus Security at 803.940.6690.

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