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Alcohol & Drug Policy

Policies and Guidelines

The policies and guidelines set forth in this section are in accordance with the educational mission of Newberry College, the rights and responsibilities of the Newberry College student body, and the standards and practices for treatment and prevention of substance abuse (alcoholic beverages and other drugs).

Regulations pertaining to the possession/consumption of alcoholic beverages in residence halls and other designated campus locations have been designed to create an atmosphere in which student responsibility is encouraged. Abusive and unlawful behavior is discouraged. The college reserves the right to modify this policy and impose additional restrictions as deemed necessary. The use of alcohol by underage consumers, the use of illicit drugs, and the abuse of prescription drugs, is strictly prohibited. The college will take appropriate steps, including disciplinary action, and may file charges with appropriate legal authorities to safeguard the campus against substance abuse.

Newberry College complies with the requirements of the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

This policy governs the consumption, possession or furnishing of all alcoholic beverages in or at any College owned or controlled facilities, off-campus conduct when the behavior or the presence of the individual, in the College’s sole judgment, impairs, obstructs, or interferes with the mission, processes, or functions of Newberry College. This policy also includes regulations for campus organizations and is in keeping with the laws of the State of South Carolina

Since September 4, 1986, the laws of the State of South Carolina have restricted the possession and consumption of alcohol to those persons 21 years of age or older. This policy is subject to change in the event of new local, state, or federal laws.

Only beer and wine are permitted in an alcohol allowed building. Students who are 21 years old may consume beer and wine in their assigned room, but not in the presence of anyone under the legal drinking age. Students who are 21 years old who consume beer and wine in the presence of an underage student is subject to the College’s disciplinary process.

Furnishing of alcoholic beverages to any person under legal age to drink such beverages is prohibited.

Misrepresenting one’s age for the purpose of purchasing or consuming alcohol is prohibited.

Open containers of alcoholic beverages (defined by broken seals, container tops off or unsealed, or in a cup etc.) are not to be transported from one room to another or to be present in any area except residents’ rooms.

Possessing or using a common source of alcohol is prohibited (kegs, beer bongs, funnels, etc).

The possession of any items or devices used for “drinking games” (e.g. funnels, beer pong tables, etc.) is prohibited and will be subject to confiscation and possible sanction. Because rapid consumption of large quantities of alcohol is far more dangerous than casual and responsible consumption, drinking games in which alcohol is consumed rapidly or in large quantities are not permitted.

Any student who exhibits negative behavior (i.e. disorderly conduct or endangering the safety of another person or property) associated with intoxication after using alcohol is in violation of this policy.

Liquor is prohibited.

Collections or displays of empty alcoholic containers, bottles, boxes, cans or other such items are not permitted in the residence halls.

Hosting a gathering where prohibited drinking has occurred will result in disciplinary action.

For safety reasons, only beer cans, not beer bottles, are permitted.

Paraphernalia related to alcohol consumption, including, but not limited to, beer bongs, funnels, keg taps, and etc. is prohibited.

Sponsoring groups and/or organizations may be responsible for paying extra security officers to control the event when alcohol is present. The Dean of Students must approve the security.

Unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia by students on college property, or as part of any college activity, is prohibited.

No advertisements promoting the serving of alcoholic beverages at on-campus or off-campus events shall be displayed on campus.

Newberry College will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees consistent with all applicable provisions of the respective Student Handbook and Personnel and Faculty Policies manuals, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment, for violations of this policy. The college’s “Drug Free Workplace” policy also provides for imposition of appropriate employee disciplinary sanctions.

View the sanctions for violations of this policy.

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