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Sexual Assault

Sexual Harassment & Assault Reporting Guidelines & Information

It is recommended that a student who is a victim of sexual assault go to the Newberry County Memorial Hospital Emergency Room (located down Evans Street from the College) immediately following the incident or as soon thereafter as possible. If a student cannot get there on their own, it is recommended that the student contact 911 for an ambulance. At the ER, the student will receive confidential treatment and information regarding their rights. The student may also be able to preserve evidence for the future, if deciding to press legal charges.


If the student does not desire to go to the emergency room it is recommended that he/she contact Pathways to Healing at 803.790.8208, which can be accessed 24/7. Pathways to Healing provides confidential counseling and legal advocacy free of charge. It is also recommended that the student contact the licensed mental health counselor on campus following either of the above, or in cases where neither of the above recommendations is followed. The contact person for counseling on campus is Ashley Williams, who can be reached at 803.321.5271 or Through the campus counseling services office, students receive confidential treatment, explore options available, and receive referrals for additional support and legal advocacy, as desired.


When a student is seen within the Newberry College Counseling Services office, and reports sexual harassment or physical sexual assault, the student is asked if they desire to report and/or press charges. If a student desires to report and/or press charges, with permission from the student, the counselor will contact the Title IX Coordinator, Nikki Brooks, at 803.321.5117, who then may contact Campus Security. If the student desires to speak only to the Newberry City Police, with permission from the student, the counselor will assist the student in contacting the designated officer of the Newberry City Police Department. The student will also meet with the sexual assault advocate within the Newberry City Police Department. The student will be referred to Pathways to Healing for additional assistance. If the student does not desire to report, press charges, but would like more information on additional counseling beyond the Newberry College campus, and/or legal advocacy, the Newberry College Counselor will refer the student to Pathways to Healing. If the sexual assault creates a hostile environment on campus, the counselor is required to contact the Title IX Coordinator.


If the student reports a sexual assault to other College faculty or staff, including student staff members, that person is obligated by federal legislation, including the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (Campus SaVE Act), to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. 


We strongly recommend reporting a sexual assault to a College representative. Reporting is the only way the College can take action against the alleged perpetrator. A College representative is any faculty or staff member, including student staff, RA, professor, coach or work study supervisor. These individuals can refer the student to the counselor for personal and legal resources available and are obligated by federal legislation under the Campus SaVE Act to report an assault to the Title IX Coordinator. A student may also choose to contact Campus Security at 803.321.5602 or the City of Newberry Police Department at 803.321.1010. 


Once a sexual assault is reported, the Title IX Coordinator is obligated to contact the victim for a statement and possibly to conduct an investigation. A request for confidentiality is evaluated against the responsibility to make the campus safe. Newberry College is committed to maintaining confidentiality throughout the process balanced with the responsibility to keep the victim safe and the campus community safe. The victim has the right to make a handwritten statement to the Title IX Coordinator stating that they choose not to have the police involved. 


In cases of perceived danger, the College is obligated to make a public statement to alert the campus community. All identifying information about the victim must be kept confidential. Any public statement to the campus to alert and protect the community from imminent danger will be coordinated initially by the Title IX Coordinator. Anyone who has been sexually assaulted has the right to pursue legal and disciplinary remedies and to secure counseling services. This includes the right to pursue College judicial action, criminal prosecution, and/or civil litigation. Please see the Code of Student Conduct for details on the campus judicial process. Electing to pursue judicial action through the College does not commit the victim to pursue criminal or civil action, or vice versa. A victim also has the right to take no action. Should a victim wish to pursue criminal prosecution and/or civil litigation, the Director of Campus Security can provide assistance and information.

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