Join Scarlet Spirit Marching Band

Returning members and incoming Newberry College students: Fill out the online interest form so we can make plans for this season. Click the image above.
The Scarlet Spirit Marching Band, under the direction of David Santiago, provides entertainment and school spirit for football games and pep rallies. In the spring, band members form the Scar’s Army Pep Band to play at on-campus sporting events.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Scarlet Spirit is open to all Newberry College and Piedmont Technical College students. Marching band members represent nearly every academic major, student-athletes and Summerland Honors students. The only requirement is to have an interest in joining an outstanding group of students, who are proud to offer spirit and enthusiasm.
No. All students at Newberry College are eligible to join the Scarlet Spirit. Even if you have no prior marching band experience, you are still welcome to join. Many of our students also play string instruments or sing, and many learn new instruments or join the color guard to participate.
The marching band rehearses 2-3 times per week for 1.5 hours each practice, and performs at all Saturday home football games. In many cases, course loads and athletic participation do not prevent marching band participation.
Yes, all members of the Scarlet Spirit receive ensemble participation scholarships. These scholarships starts at $1,000 and increase with each year of participation.
Returning members have the opportunity to audition and interview for leadership positions each year, including drum major and section leaders.
No, our ensemble rehearsal schedule allows for students to join multiple groups, and there are no rehearsal conflicts between large ensembles.
Yes. This is one of area of the band that we are interested in growing. If you have previous guard experience, we want you in the Scarlet Spirit guard. If you have no prior experience but want to learn to spin, we have a guard instructor on staff to help!
What are you waiting for?
Join the movement as a member of the largest musical ensemble on campus!
David Santiago, Director of Athletic Bands